Author: Saurabh Arora

Author: Saurabh Arora

Conference Report 2018
Image February 22, 2018 5th Annual Conference 2018 Saurabh Arora

AOAC India Section’s Annual Conference 2018: FSSAI-AOAC Partnerships in the Spotlight NEWS PROVIDED BY AOAC India Section New Delhi, March 2, 2018 Highlights Over 200 delegates from 4 continents attended the 5th Annual Conference of the AOAC- India Section in New Delhi, 28 February – 1 March, 2018.  Key focus of this year’s conference was the official

Parallel Sessions
Image February 19, 2018 5th Annual Conference 2018,Featured Saurabh Arora

5th Annual Conference of the India Section of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Partner in Food Science and Safety Date: 28th Feb – 1 March, 2018 Location: Hotel “The Park”, New Delhi Parallel Sessions 09:00 am – 9:45 am Session 1 – How to set up a basic Food Testing Laboratory Current requirement of Food testing laboratories

Webinar on Analysis of complex food matrices using Triple Quad LCMS/MS
Image August 28, 2017 Featured,Events,Webinars Saurabh Arora

Topic: Multi residual Antibiotic analysis in Milk Simultaneous determination of pesticides in Fruits and vegetables Analysis of complex matrices like milk, fruits and vegetables have always been a challenge for food analysts and technologists working in accordance with the global food regulation criteria. Antibiotic residues in milk can cause toxicity and side effects such as

Webinar on Analytical approaches for the estimation of biocolorants
Image August 17, 2017 5th Annual Conference 2018,Events,Webinars Saurabh Arora

The presentation delineates the current approaches in the analysis of biocolorants. Tandem techniques like liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detection have been widely used in the analysis of different classes of biocolorants. Main chromophore of biocolorant family are anthocyanidins, carotenoids, betalains, bixin, phycocyanins, chlorophyll, curcuminoids, flavonoids and anthracenes. Recent greener techniques for extraction of

India Section of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL invites you to Submit Abstract For Poster Presentation
July 22, 2017 5th Annual Conference 2018 Saurabh Arora

5th Annual Conference, India Section of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL   Poster Topic Categories Analysis of Foodborne Contaminants and Residues (Innovative approaches and techniques in the residue analysis of foodborne contaminants, which are either naturally present in food (e.g., heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, etc.), or appear during food processing (e.g., acrylamide, 3-MCPD, etc.). Analysis of

Advanced Analytical Tools for FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY TESTING A Workshop by AOAC, India
Image April 28, 2017 NEWS & UPDATES,workshop Saurabh Arora

With the globalization of the food chain, protecting both the consumer and your brand becomes more demanding. Today, the food and agriculture industry faces ever-increasing demands for more sensitive and productive analytical solutions. You are committed to providing food, produce and beverages of consistent quality and uncompromising safety. This workshop is an excellent opportunity for

Dr Kaushik Banerjee wins the Harvey W. Wiley Award of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Image March 29, 2017 NEWS & UPDATES Saurabh Arora

AOAC INTERNATIONAL has recently announced that Dr Kaushik Banerjee, the President of the India Section will be the recipient of its most prestigious Harvey W. Wiley Award for the year 2017 for his contributions to the analytical sciences.

Journal of AOAC International – Special section publishes 10 open access research papers from India
Image March 27, 2017 NEWS & UPDATES Saurabh Arora

Proceedings of the Third Annual meeting of the India Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The Third Annual meeting of the India Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL was held at the hotel Four Points by Sheraton, Pune on November 19-20, 2015. Selected research papers presented in this conference as well as some other papers submitted to the India

Ultra fast mass spec meets Ultra safe food
Image March 27, 2017 Webinars Saurabh Arora

Join our free webinar on 7th April 2017 at 3 PM IST. Please setup the webinar in go to a meeting. Webinar Link: Webinar Id: 427-633-459 Topic: Ultrafast mass spec meets Ultra safe food Speaker Ms. Rashi Kochhar: Graduation: B.Sc Biotech (University of Mumbai) Post Grad: M.Sc Bio-analytical Post Grad: Masters in Management (Jamanalal Bajaj Institute

Image February 27, 2017 Events Saurabh Arora

Safe Food Expo (This event is posted, new date will be shared) – Scientific Program SAFE FOOD EXPO – EXHIBITOR FORM Conference Registration Form
