AOAC India Section – 3M India conducted “Quality & Food Safety seminar program”
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AOAC India Section – 3M India conducted “Quality & Food Safety seminar program”
October 27, 2018
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Saurabh Arora
- AOAC-India in collaboration with 3M India Ltd organized “Quality & Food safety workshops” in three major cities Gurgaon, Pune & Bangalore on Oct 23, 24 & 25 2018 These education programs motivate the Microbiologists & Analysts to actively participate in the scientific sessions and to contribute to the country by establishing a Food Safety culture.
- Dr Ganesh Murthy, COO, NCML gave an overview of AOAC India and its Scientific programs which provide an unique platform for the scientists, academia, analysts, industry professionals in the country to share, learn & network which helps in the scientific progress of the country
- Dr Bhaskar –Scientific Advisor FSSAI graced the program at Gurgaon. He appreciated 3M India & AOAC for organizing the education programs. He shared the vision of FSSAI and encouraged the audience who were from Food & Beverage industry to focus on implementation & compliance of the FSSAI standards to ensure Safe Food for the country
- Matthew Turner, Scientific Affairs & Education Head- 3M APAC, Singapore and Kavitha Kulkarni, Scientific Affairs & Education Head- 3M India took the sessions on Advanced Technologies for Food Safety, ISO 17025, Validation and Verification of Microbiology & Measurement Uncertainty, which were highly appreciated by the participants.
- Over 100 participants from contract labs, dairy, meat, flight kitchen, processed foods, breweries attended the programs, gave a great feedback and requested AOAC India section to conduct more such workshops with topics on the Global trends in Food Safety, Proficiency testing, Food Safety culture.
Group photo with Dr Bhaskar, Dr Ganesh, Matthew Turner in Gurgaon 3M Office on 23rd Oct 2018

Group photo in Pune on 24th Oct 2018

Group photo at Bangalore 3M Office 25th Oct 2018