AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
Dr. Ranjan Mitra currently heads the Analytical Department at Dabur Research & Development Centre, Dabur India Limited. His active research interests include development of novel analytical methods for the sensitive detection of bioactive molecules in food, cosmetics and ayurvedic/herbal formulations using hyphenated analytical techniques for claim substantiation. At Dabur his responsibilities include leading a team of scientists (chemists and microbiologists) to develop novel chemical and microbiological methodologies to support the deliverance of more products of value across a diverse food, cosmetic and healthcare portfolio.
Dr. Mitra holds a Masters degree in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India and a PhD in bio-inorganic/organic chemistry from University of Florida, USA. After completion of his PhD degree, he did a postdoctoral stint at University of Florida, USA before joining GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, India where he held multiple technical and managerial roles for over 8.5 years, working on various analytical research and development programs in nutrition category.
Dr. Mitra was the Study Director of the first SLV project that AOAC India section undertook to extend the scope of the AOAC Method 2011.10 for vitamin B12 analysis by validating it in ‘Indian’ infant and pediatric formulas and adult nutritionals.
Dr. Deepa Bhajekar, PhD
Past President (2011-2014)
Dr. Deepa Bhajekar, currently the Director of d technology, was the founder-President of the AOAC-India Section. Dr. Bhajekar pursued her doctoral degree in Food Microbiology from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. While setting up the new stage in India, Dr. Bhajekar’s principal motivation was to develop a common ground for various groups of people to discuss emerging, complex and potentially valuable analytical issues. Also, she played a crucial role in organising the Section’s two annual conferences in Mumbai and Delhi, where she apprised the attendees about how the newly-founded Section could offer solutions to real-life analytical challenges.
Dr. Sumit Sen, PhD
Past Mentor (2011 – 2015)
Dr Sumit Sen, the Past Mentor for the AOAC-India Section, aspired to establish a new section for ensuring a better appreciation of the analytical sciences in India. Dr. Sen has been working at the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) for more than two decades. At the US FDA’s facility in Irvine, California, he is currently working as a Chemistry Branch Instrument Specialist. He received his bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, followed by an MS in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Polymer Chemistry, both from the University of Akron, Ohio, USA. Dr Sen’s time-honoured connection with AOAC INTERNATIONAL and his professional experience in analytical instrumentation, quality assurance/quality control and food regulatory laws, in turn, have influenced his role as a mentor.