AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
Laboratory forum initiated by Dr. Deepa Bhajekar (President of India Section of AOAC International) where common issues faced by laboratories were discussed. Maintenance of reference standard & expansion of shelf life of standards based on Sanco guidelines. 1. India Section of AOAC International could validate methods and prepare the achievable range of LOQ in Indian
DetailsAnother agenda item for the second annual conference was the formation of the new executive committee and to finalize the agenda for the year 2014-15. From left to right.. Mr. Vishal Arora, Secretary of India Section of AOAC International Dr. Deepa Bhajekar, Past-President of India Section of AOAC International Dr. Sumit Sen, Mentor, India Section
DetailsDate of conference: 14th Nov 2014. Location: Courtyard Marriott. CTS 215, Andheri – Kurla Rd, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400059 The annual conference of India Section of AOAC International was held on 14th Nov 2014 at Courtyard Marriott, Andheri. Meeting started with lighting lamp as is the traditional culture. The conference started with welcome