AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
The adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence rapid determination method is useful for detecting the microbial contamination and it has been widely used in food and beverages industry for sanitation with good precision. ATP can be found in organic material and residues. The amount of ATP that remains on a surface after we have cleaned is a
DetailsEven in a post-COVID world, the food supply chains will remain spread over continents, however with renewed emphasis on traceability and safety. Focus will be on faster decision making, thus reducing spoilage in the dynamic supply-chains of perishable food commodities. Fortunately, recent developments in ambient mass spectrometry, vibrational spectroscopy and artificial intelligence promises to
DetailsAOAC-India Introducing a New Award – “Women in Analytical Science” Deadline: February 15, 2020 About the Award In this year’s annual conference, AOAC-India Section is proud to introduce an award – “Women in Analytical Science”. The award will be bestowed upon an advanced-level doctoral woman candidate who would demonstrate exemplary promise of future leadership in