AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are gathering increased attention as their presence in wastewater effluents, surface as well as drinking water is elucidated. Because pharmaceuticals and many personal care products are intended to illicit a biological response by design, their presence in aquatic environment even in very low concentration is a matter of concern. A lot of work has been done on developing different methods to determine PPCPs in water and wastewater involving different extraction techniques. This webinar will give an overview of methods that are most widely being used for PPCP analysis. Also it will focus on challenges and minute aspects of method development work.
Speaker :
Dr. Akanksha Singh Kachhawaha is currently working as Assistant Professor at Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. , She specializes in the area of Forensic chemistry and Toxicology and Environmental Forensics. Her research interest includes investigating various environmental contaminants specifically “contaminants of emerging concern” such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products in different environmental matrices. She gained her PhD, as Senior Research Fellow, from CSIR- National Environmental EngineeringResearch Institute (CSIR-NEERI), Nagpur, entitled “Occurrence of Pharmaceutical and Personal care Products in the aquatic environment and effects to freshwater algae Chlorella vulgaris”. Based on her method development work, She was invited by the India Section of AOAC International to give a webinar on “Multi-residue analysis of pharmaceutics and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic environment by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry” in 2016. Her proposal also selected by IUKWC for Junior Researcher Exchange Scheme in collaboration with the Environment Department, University of York, on the topic entitled’ “ A small scale monitoring study for a range of pharmaceuticals in the River Foss catchment and comparison to concentrations in India in 2018. She was recently invited by IUKWC to give a webinar talk. For more information on Akanksha see https://www.gfsu.edu.in/institute-of-forensic-science/faculty-ifs/