AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
This course is being organized by the India Section of AOAC International in collaboration with the NRL, ICAR-NRC for Grapes & Thermo Fisher Scientific for 3 days, starting from 23rd November to 25th November, 2015 in Pune. It will be exclusively for a maximum of 15 participants working ‘hands on’ with the practical laboratory analyses combined with lectures and discussion sessions.
The course curriculum includes basics of sample preparation, instrumental methods, data interpretation and troubleshooting. The participants will be guided through the practical laboratory work with the standard operating procedures established by the NRL for fresh fruits and vegetables for the compounds under the Annexure 9 of the Residue Monitoring Plan of APEDA on grapes. In addition to the multiresidue extraction method for pesticide residue analysis, the residue analysis methods by Accelerated Solvent Extraction, residue analysis through high resolution MS will also be covered. The practical laboratory sessions will especially focus on sample preparation, method optimization, residue quantification, applications of MS confirmation criteria, etc. for pesticide residue analysis.
Click here to download a detailed Brochure of the Training
Click here to download the Registration form of the Training
Christian Fusi Suh
I am a PhD student in the University of Buea, Cameroon .My research is centred on occupational toxicity. I am interested to be part of this training. Is this a yearly event? I will like to visit your your laboratory