AOAC-India Workshop on Residue Analysis of Pesticides & Plant Growth Regulators by GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS

AOAC-India Workshop on Residue Analysis of Pesticides & Plant Growth Regulators by GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS
December 19, 2015 1 Comment Featured Saurabh Arora

Date: November 23-25, 2015

Venue: National Referral Laboratory, ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune

The AOAC-India section recently organised a workshop on November 23-25, 2015, entitled “Training on the residue analysis of pesticides and plant growth regulators in fruits and vegetables using GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS” in collaboration with the National Referral Laboratory (NRL), ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes (ICAR-NRCG) in Pune. This workshop was partially sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific. The training sessions were coordinated by Dr. Kaushik Banerjee, President, AOAC international – India section in association with his colleagues from the NRL viz. Dr. Ahammed Shabeer T.P., Dr. Dasharath Oulkar, Mrs. Manjusha Jadhav, Dr. Arnab Goon, Ms. Zareen Khan, Mr. Narayan Kamble and others. The trainees were highly benefitted by the presentations of an eminent Scientist from Thermo (UK), Mr. Richard Fussell, and some of his colleagues from the India team. A total number of 21 participants from different chemical testing laboratories of India participated in this 3-day training programme.

This training programme broadly covered the areas of pesticides multiresidue analysis and analysis of plant growth regulators (PGRs) in fruits and vegetables. The experts delivered  lectures on the regulations in relation to pesticide residue analysis, analytical method validation as per the DG-Sanco guidelines of European Union, sample preparation techniques, cleanup procedures, optimisation of GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS parameters for selective and sensitive analysis, etc. On each day, the lectures were accompanied by hands-on practical sessions, which guided the trainees through the standard operating procedures established by the NRL for fresh fruits and vegetables for the analysis of the compounds under the scope of the Residue Monitoring Plan of APEDA, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. A special session was dedicated to demonstrate dithiocarbamate residue analysis, considering the possibilities of inter-lab variations in its test results. The training sessions also included the lectures along with practical demonstrations of different instruments such as accelerated solvent extractor (ASE), GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS and high resolution MS coupled with LC & GC.

The participants received ample scope of interaction with the experts from the NRL, ICAR-NRCG and Thermo Fisher Scientific, and had active discussion on various issues of analytical troubleshooting. The feedback received from the participants were highly satisfactory. The concluding session of the training programme was marked with the presentation of certificate to all the participants by the Director, ICAR-NRCG.

Training Session-1


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    i want this method


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