AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
AOAC-India’s annual conference has been one of the leading events on food safety, quality assurance and regulatory testing in India. Since 2013, this annual conference has striven to amass outstanding professionals from different corners of the world working on various aspects of food analysis to advance the footprints of analytical competence as well as to build a strong analytical community within the nation.
Our previous conferences comprised exciting keynote lectures, oral presentations, workshops and poster sessions, creating a great platform for information exchange and knowledge transfer amongst its participants. Previously, we had illustrious speakers, such as AOAC INTERNATIONAL’s Past Presidents Dr Erik Konings and Ms. DeAnn Benesh, Mr. Pawan Kumar Agarwal (Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India), FSSAI, Dr S.K. Saxena, (Director, Export Inspection Council of India), Dr N. Bhaskar (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Advisor (QA)) and Mr. N. Venkateswaran (Director, NABL), to name just a few. Eminent scientists from various countries, top-class universities and renowned institutions (e.g. CSIR, ICAR and several others) also delivered lectures and shared their expertise.
The lectures are designed on present and emerging broad areas of research, including food safety and security; food safety laws and regulations; analytical residue method development of pesticides; veterinary drugs and antibiotics; food nutrition and food allergens; botanicals and dietary supplements and microbiological methods, among many others.
We are privileged that this year distinguished scientists like Dr Palmer A. Orlandi, Jr. (Deputy Executive Director and Chief Science Officer, AOAC INTERNATIONAL) and Prof. Samuel Godefroy (Professor, Université Laval and AOAC Board Member) will be present for deliberations. Other eminent speakers will be Mr. Pawan Kumar Agarwal (Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India), Dr S.K. Saxena (Director, Export Inspection Council of India) Dr N. Bhaskar (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Advisor (QA)), Dr Erik Konings & Ms. DeAnn Benesh, (Past Presidents of AOAC INTERNATIONAL), Dr. Chindi Vasudevappa (Vice-Chancellor, NIFTEM) and Mr. N. Venkateswaran (Director, NABL), along with many others.
An assemblage of world class speakers, illustrations on the newest analytical methods and exhibitions of frontier analytical devices are hallmarks of this two-day conference.
There will be ample chance to network with cross-cultural peers for broadening your knowledge base on global food safety issues.
Please come and bring on future communications to celebrate a safer and heathy planet !
Looking forward to meeting you all!
Team- AOAC-India
Mr. Shrinivas Joshi
Email: shrinivas.joshi@aoac-
Link: https://www.payumoney.com/events/#/buyTickets/aoac-india.org
Call for Abstract
Dr Pranav Nagarnaik
Email: [email protected]
Young Scientist Award
Dr Ranjan Mitra
Email: [email protected]
Women in Analytical Sciences Award
Dr Ranjan Mitra
Email: [email protected]
Link: http://aoac-india.org/calls-for-application-women-in-analytical-science/
Sponsorship Enquiries
Dr. Saurabh Arora
Email: saurabh.arora@aoac-