AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
Dr. Viswaraja Sasikumar is elected as a part of the new Executive committee as Treasurer for the India Section of AOAC International.
Dr. Viswaraja Sasikumar in his present capacity is leading the team at MicroChem Silliker as General Manager – Laboratory Operations. Dr. Viswaraja completed his MSc (Research) from the Institute of Science, Mumbai and further worked as a Research Fellow at IISc (Indian Institute of Science), Bangalore and pursued his doctoral studies at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. He was associated with PerkinElmer as a Product & Application Leader for Middle East countries such as UAE, Bahrain & Qatar and has also served as a Product & Application Specialist for PerkinElmer (India) for Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry. Dr. Viswaraja has extensive experience in the field of Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Hyphenation Techniques & Material Characterization and was a product & application consultant for several fields such as Food, Forensics, Pharmaceuticals etc. He has also served as a resource person for PerkinElmer DSA- TOF for the entire Middle East region and is a reviewer in several academic journals.