AOAC India
The organization is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development
On 5th April 2012, India Section of AOAC International was inaugurated by Dr. Deepa Bhajekar – President of India Section of AOAC International (MD – MicroChemSilliker, India).
The objective to start such a prestigious analytical organization in India was to bring AOAC closer to the Indian analytical community and to serve as resource for timely knowledge exchange, networking and high-quality analytical information for Indian analytical community.
India Section of AOAC International will provide a unique platform for the analytical industry to recognize current and upcoming analytical trends which pose as a challenge for the industry and develop feasible upgraded solutions, upgrade Indian laboratories on the global map for technical expertise and also provide a networking platform for the analytically inclined.
India Section of AOAC International will be a bridge between the private and public sector. Dr. S. S. Ghonkrokta (Director Enforcement- FSSAI) and Mr. Mahesh Zhagade (Commissioner- FDA) from the regulatory department were present to support this organization which will act as a driving force to bring together experts from the industry, academia and regulatory for a collative analytical movement in India.
From left to right: Mr. Mahesh Zhagade (Commissioner- FDA), Dr. Deepa Bhajekar (President – India Section of AOAC, MD – MicroChemSilliker), Dr. S. S. Ghonkrokta (Director Enforcement- FSSAI).
2nd Meet of India Section of AOAC coming soon July/August 2013.